Active for Life
» Ankle
» Exercises


On toes unilateral

Stand on right foot only while holding a firm support like a counter top or back of a chair. Lift your heel until you are on the ball of your right foot, lower slowly to the ground. Hold and repeat as advised by a physiotherapist at One Wellness.

On toes bilateral

Stand while holding a firm support like a counter top or back of a chair. Lift both your heels up until you are on the balls of your feet, then lower slowly to the ground. Hold and repeat as advised by a physiotherapist at One Wellness.

seated downward outer motion pull

Sit in a chair with the centre of a resistance band looped under the forefoot, and the ends of the band in each hand. Point your toes downward and turn the ankle inward, slowly return to neutral with control. Hold and repeat as advised by a physiotherapist at One Wellness.

seated downward motion pull

Sit in a chair with the middle of a resistance band looped under your forefoot. Place the ends of the band in each hand. Bend your ankle downward (point the toes) against resistance. Slowly return to neutral or a toes pointed up position. Hold and repeat as advised by a physiotherapist at One Wellness.

Seated upward motion pull

Attach a resistance band to a firm support in front of you (e.g. table leg) and looped the other end over the top of your foot. Pull your ankle upward (toes up towards your knee) against resistance. Slowly lower back to neutral or a toes pointed position. Hold and repeat as advised by a physiotherapist at One Wellness.

Seated inward motion pull

Attach a resistant band firmly to the leg of a chair or nearby firm object. Sit in a char with the other end of the the resistance band around the forefoot of the right foot. Turn the right foot/ankle inward to the left against resistance and slowly return to neutral. Hold and repeat as advised by a physiotherapist at One Wellness.

Seated outward motion pull

In a seated or lying position, wrap a resistance band around both forefeet. Using one foot to stabilize the band, and turn the other foot/ankle outward against resistance and slowly return to neutral. Hold and repeat as advised by a physiotherapist at One Wellness.


Start in an upright kneeling position with your toes tucked under. Slowly lower your body weight down onto your heels to increase the stretch. Use a pillow under your knees to ease the pressure if needed. Hold and repeat as advised by a physiotherapist at One Wellness.

Wall Lean

Stand facing a wall or chair-back in a lunge stance with your right foot behind. Keep your right heel on the ground and arch your right foot slightly. Lean your body weight forward until you feel a stretch in the back of the ankle. Hold and repeat as advised by a One Wellness therapist.

Elevated heel drop

Find a step with handrails to support your body. Stand on a step facing up the stairs. Drop the right heel off the edge of the step, keeping your knee very slightly bent. Put your body weight over the right foot to increase the stretch. Hold and repeat as advised by our physiotherapist.

Seated foot flat

Sit in a chair with your right foot flat on the floor. Slide the foot under the chair as far as you can, keeping the heel and toes on the floor. Feel the stretch in the back of the ankle. Hold and repeat as advised by One Wellness

Lateral cross-overs

Standing. Move sideways toward your left, alternately cross your right foot in front of the left, then behind the left as your travel. Gradually increase your speed. Repeat in the opposite direction with the left foot crossing over.

Tandem stance while walking

Place your right heel directly in front of your left toes, feet in a straight line. Walk forward placing the left heel directly in front of the right toes. Continue, trying to keep your balance as you walk. Try walking backward in the same fashion. Repeat as advised by a One Wellness therapist.

Tandem stance

Place your right heel directly in front of your left toes with your feet in a straight line. Try to hold your balance as advised by One Wellness

Single leg stance with arm swing

Stand on your right foot. Try not to contact the right leg with the left foot/leg. Once you are balanced, begin to swing your arms side to side while trying to maintain your balance as advised by One Wellness

Single leg stance eyes closed

Stand on your right foot. Try not to contact the right leg with the left foot/leg. Look forward and find your balance. Once you are stable, close your eyes and try to continue balancing as advised by One Wellness

Single leg stance

Stand on your right foot. Try not to contact the right leg with the left foot/leg. Look forward and balance as advised by One Wellness

Single leg hop

Standing on your right foot, put your weight forward on to your toes slightly, hop/spring upwards, landing on the right foot again. Repeat as advised by One Wellness

Single leg declines

Stand on a step facing upwards with the toes and forefoot of your right foot on the edge of a step. Holding the hand rail for support, lower your right heel until it drops below the level of the step, then lift your heel upward until you are on the ball of your right foot. Repeat as advised by One Wellness

Up on toes unilateral

Stand holding a firm support like a counter top or back of a chair. Lift both your heels up until you are on the balls of your feet, then lower slowly to the ground. Repeat as advised by One Wellness

Seated ankle Inward with Band

Sit with a band or strap around your right foot, holding the ends of the band with each hand. Turn your ankle inward as if you were trying to face the sole of your foot to the left. Pull up with the left hand side of the strap to increase the stretch. Hold and repeat as advised by a One Wellness therapist.

Seated ankle outward with band

Sit with a band or strap around your right foot while holding the ends of the band with each hand. Turn your ankle outward as if you were trying to face the sole of your foot to the right. Pull up with the right hand side of the strap to increase the stretch. Hold and repeat as advised by a One Wellness therapist.

Cross Leg Ankle Stretch

Sit with your right leg crossed over your left knee so that you can grasp your right foot with your hands. Use your left hand to bend the right toes and ankle down as if pointing your toes. Feel the stretch in the front of the ankle and foot. Hold and repeat as advised by a One Wellness therapist.

Seated resistance band lift

Sit on a chair with a strap or resistance band around your foot. Pull your toes up towards your knee. Feel the stretch in the back of the ankle. Hold the stretch and repeat as advised by One Wellness.

Ankle Circles

In a sitting or lying position. Turn your ankle in circles left and right, up and down. Draw the alphabet in the air with your ankle. Repeat as advised by a One Wellness therapist.