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» Introduction to Lower Back

Introduction to Lower Back

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Low Back Physiotherapy in Canmore

Welcome to the One Wellness patient resource for low back pain.

If you suffer from lower back pain, there is no reason why you do have to banish yourself to the bell tower at Notre Dame a la Quasimodo.  In fact, we have designed this portion of our site with you in mind.

Whether you have lower back pain because of a herniated disc, osteoarthritis, or any other issue that is seriously impairing your outlook on life and your happiness, worry no more.  We aim to provide a solution to you and to your problem, as well as supply information that will help you stay healthy and pain free after your injury is corrected.

After all, there is no reason for you to live life hunched over in pain, there is too much to see, feel and experience when you are able to stand tall.

Click on a link below to learn more:

Lumbar Spine Anatomy

Lower Back Issues

Lower Back Surgery


#testimonialslist|kind:all|display:slider|orderby:type|filter_utags_names:Back Pain|limit:15|heading:Hear from some of our patients who we treated for *Back Pain*#

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