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» Does platelet-rich plasma assist in healing rotator cuff repairs?

Does platelet-rich plasma assist in healing rotator cuff repairs?

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Q: I am slated to have a rotator cuff repair in a few weeks and my surgeon says he wants to inject “platelet-rich plasma” at the site to further healing.  Does this really work?

A: The latest research suggests that there is no benefit to using platelet-rich plasma during a rotator cuff repair to speed up the tendon repair site and that it can actually increase the risk of infection.  However, keep in mind that your surgeon will make his best judgment call on technique depending on numerous factors that you should have a discussion with him about.

Reference: Nathan A. Mall, M.D., et all. Current Concepts Review: Factors Affecting Rotator Cuff Healing. In The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. May 2014. Vol. 96A. Pp 778-784.

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